
Do you struggle with a critical inner voice? You’re not alone.

About Me

I want you to know a little bit about me! I am a mountain girl and a graduate of Stanford University. Once upon a time I served as a Capitol Page for the US House of Representatives before I decided to pursue my love for music. I eventually became a touring and published singer/songwriter. Now I own my own design and print company, Nesting Project, coach gymnastics, and I’m a podcaster.  Above all, I am a wife and mother of two, struggling just like everyone else, to find the good enough.


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The True

Back Story

Growing in Contentment With Who I am. Letting "enough" be my mantra.

My parents were always there to support me and guide me to be the best version of myself when I was younger. As I entered my late teens, my mom sat me down and said, “We pushed you because we believe in you, but now it’s your turn to decide what’s best for you.” It took some introspection to understand my motivations, but eventually I learned to be content with who I am. Seven years ago, I had an idea but I didn’t believe in myself enough to pursue it. This year, I chose “enough” as my mantra – reminding myself that it’s okay to just take the first step and trust in the process. From this “enough”, The Good Enough Woman Podcast was born!

Show Quotes

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Have you checked out our podcast yet? Each week we feature an amazing woman and share some of their most inspiring quotes. We’d love to hear which quote resonates with you the most, so be sure to share with us!

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